Still using a shared hosting for 20+ players and stable income? Switch to dedicated. You’re not sharing your underwear, so why share a server? Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form responsible for your actions. If you empty your already empty wallet or hurt your feelings, don’t blame me. But anyway, happy tweaking. […]
Author: ;krusic22
Higher performance crafting: Using JDK11+ and ZGC.
Still using JDK8 and G1 GC? Upgrade!
Legacy Intel NIC Teaming/Bonding on Windows 10 (after Windows Update)
Windows 10 Creators update removed NIC teaming while Intel doesn’t offer teaming support for legacy devices on Windows 10. But what if I told you, they do? Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form responsible for your actions. If you burn down your house or hurt yourself, don’t blame me. But anyway, happy […]
Brocade 57-100012-01 8Gb module at 10Gb.
Some SFP+ modules are software locked. In this case the following modules are ATMEL MEGA based. Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form responsible for your actions. If you burn down your house or hurt yourself don’t blame me. But anyway, happy modding. What do you need? Brocade 57-1000012-01 8Gb module A device […]
Flashing ATMEL MEGA based SFP+ modules with software write locks.
Some SFP+ modules are software locked. In this case the following modules are ATMEL MEGA based. Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form responsible for your actions. If you burn down your house or hurt yourself don’t blame me. But anyway, happy modding. What do you need? ATMEL MEGA based SFP (Tested on: […]
HP 1Gb SFP RJ-45 (SP7041-ISS) Module flashing / unlocking.
As some of you might already know, SFP module locking is quite standard. So let’s talk how to bypass the hardware protection on these modules and save some money. We bought those modules since we assumed they could be flashed and somehow made to work on Cisco gear. We were very wrong. So as they […]
Raspberry Pi SFP/SFP+ branje in pisanje po seljaško.
Večina informacij je že na voljo tukaj. Jaz sem namesto kletke uporabil stari modem. Ideja je enaka. Za več informacije poglejte moj Github repo. V katerem so predstavljeni načini, kako pisati in brati module. Poglejte tudi moje druge objave glede modulov. Povežite SDA1 na MOD-Def(2), SCL1 na MOD-Def(1), 3.3V na VeeT, VccT, VccR na VeeR […]
Kako uporabiti Discord za “ojačanje napada”
Ta objava je bila narejena na 20. 04. 2019, če berete po tem datumu, so informacije tukaj gotovo zastarele. Pred tednom sem opazil, da se v mojih Apache logih pretežno nabirata 2 ISP-ja, Google in Psychz Networks. Po daljšem kopanju sem ugotovil, da so vse slike, ki so bile napadene, linkane na Discordu.Note: So pišem […]
HP DPS-800GB A 12V PSU Predelava
Preprosti vodnik kako predelati DPS-800GB PSU.
Resnica O MysticHero
Kot se vas večina zaveda se je pred kratkim poslovil “najboljši slovenski” Minecraft strežnik. Razlog: “MysticHero je trenutno zaprt zaradi manjših nesporazumov z našim gostovanjem.” Čez 2 dni ugotovimo, da je ta manjši nesporazum izbris strežnika oz. podatkov (“čisto običajna stvar”) in da jim ponudnik teh podatkov ne more povrniti. Seveda od takšnega strežnika pričakujemo, da bi […]